This is an
analemmatic sundial located at "The Land of
Israel Museum" in Tel-Aviv. This type of
sundial does not have hour lines but hour points
located along an ellipse. The larger tiles
running up the center of the dial would be marked
with a scale of dates. The gnomon is normally a
vertical rod but for this dial it is a person
standing on the scale at a point corresponding to
the date they visit the dial. Their shadow would
give the time. |
This is a
vertical declining sundial located at a private
residence near Tel Aviv. This dial is declining
(facing) west a number of degrees as the gnomon,
a thin rod, will not cast a shadow on the dial
face until it is almost 10a.m. This sundial is
made from sixteen individual ceramic tiles. It
must have taken great skill to paint all the hour
lines and border with the accuracy necessaty to
ensure that everything was in alignment when the
dial was put together. |
This is a
horizontal sundial made of ceramic. It is located
at a private residence near Tel Aviv. |
This is a
vertical declining sundial made from nine
individual ceramic tiles. It is 76 cm. square.
The picture of the globe on the top of the dial
is an ancient map of the world. This sundial is
located on Shaul's home. |
This is a
vertical declining sundial made from 4 individual
ceramic tiles. It is 60 cm. square. It is located
at a private residence near Tel Aviv. |
This horizontal
sundial is Shaul's first sundial and it is a real
beauty. He made it from marble and it is 35 cm.
square. He learned how to engrave marble by
watching a grave stone mason. |
This is a
portable equatorial sundial. It is made from a
piece of acrylic. It is mounted on the base of an
old binocular microscope which allows it to
adjusted for the appropriate latitude. |