Welcome to
Sundials of the World! USA
The sundial presented
on this page was designed by Bob Weaver of Jacksonville,
Florida. A rather unique motto is engraved on this
horizontal sundial. Find out about it by visiting Bob's
web site at: http://www.se.mediaone.net/~rweave/.
following is a short description Bob provided about his
assisted with its design, but contracted with an
engraver in Great Britain for its
construction. The dial is made of brass and
the plate is 12 inches in diameter. The
plinth that it is mounted on is made from
concrete and weighs approximately 250
pounds. I dug and poured a 10 inch deep
concrete foundation on which it rests. The
dial is affixed to the plinth with silicone
sealant. I made sure the plate remained
level while the sealant cured. I
aligned the dial to north by using the
shadow of a string supporting a plumb-bob at the
moment of local solar noon. The
location of the dial was originally
determined using a 7.5 minute topographical
map of my area. Recently, I purchased
a Global
Positioning System receiver which
has precisely confirmed my original determination
of latitude and longitude. Actually,
after spending over twenty years of my life as a
navigator in the USAF, I never really doubted my
original determination of the location of my
backyard." |