Welcome to my web site!

This site is divided into three major sections as follows:


This section has a lot of information on many different kind of sundials. You will not only learn about various sundials but also how to design and build them. There are many figures and tables that are used to illustrates various dialling concept. I have even created 3-D images of various sundials that include shadows cast by an artificial sun. There is an area called "Sunny Day U" that has some great projects for anyone interested in dialling. There are a number of interesting paper sundial kits. You just have to print them on card stock and then cut and glue them together. It's an easy way to start learning about sundials. Come and learn how to make your very own accurate sundial.


This section has photographs of sundials from many countries around the globe. These photos were sent to me by individuals who built some of the dials as well as others who have a keen interest in dialling. If you have a sundial that you would like to share send it to me and I will post it.


This section features a monumental horizontal sundial built in our community to celebrate the new millennium. It shows in detail the work involved in designing and building a large sundial. There are lots of photographs.

Come in and visit. You will not be disappointed.

Carl Sabanski